Canadian Refugee and Asylum Seeker Programs

Providing Protection and Support

Summary: Learn about the Canadian Refugee and Asylum Seeker Programs, which offer protection and assistance to individuals fleeing persecution and seeking refuge in Canada. Explore the resettlement program, inland refugee claim process, and the country’s commitment to humanitarian principles.


The Canadian Refugee and Asylum Seeker Programs aim to provide protection and support to individuals fleeing persecution and seeking refuge in Canada. Discover these programs, including the resettlement program and inland refugee claim process, as well as Canada’s commitment to upholding humanitarian principles.

What are the Canadian Refugee and Asylum Seeker Programs?

The Canadian Refugee and Asylum Seeker Programs are initiatives designed to provide protection and support to individuals who have fled their home countries due to persecution, war, violence, or other forms of serious harm. These programs aim to offer a safe haven for those in need and uphold Canada’s commitment to international human rights and humanitarian principles.

The Refugee Program Main Streams

Refugee and Humanitarian Resettlement Program:

This program focuses on resettling refugees who are identified and referred by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) or other referral organizations. The program provides support for refugees to establish new lives in Canada, including assistance with housing, healthcare, language training, and employment opportunities.

Inland Refugee Claim Program:

This program allows individuals who are already in Canada to make a refugee claim and seek protection if they fear persecution or harm in their home country. These individuals need to demonstrate that they meet the criteria of the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, which defines who is considered a refugee.

Assessing Eligibility for Refugee Status

Asylum seekers, who may arrive in Canada by various means such as crossing the border or presenting themselves at a port of entry, can make a claim for refugee protection under the Inland Refugee Claim Program. They undergo a thorough assessment process to determine their eligibility for refugee status, including interviews and the submission of supporting evidence.

Processing and Support for Approved Claims

The Canadian government works to ensure that refugee claims are processed in a fair and timely manner. If an individual’s claim is accepted, they receive protected status and are granted permission to remain in Canada as a refugee. They are provided with support to integrate into Canadian society, access healthcare, education, and other essential services.


Explore the Canadian Refugee and Asylum Seeker Programs, which provide protection and support to those fleeing persecution. Learn about the resettlement program and the inland refugee claim process, reflecting Canada’s commitment to humanitarian principles. These programs offer a chance for individuals to rebuild their lives, contribute to their communities, and enjoy the opportunities available in Canada.

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