Ontario Trillium Scholarships

About Ontario Trillium Scholarships (OTS)

Ontario Trillium Scholarships (OTS) is a prestigious scholarship program offered by the government of Ontario, Canada, to attract top international students to pursue their Ph.D. studies in the province. The scholarship is aimed at supporting research excellence and enhancing Ontario’s research capacity.

Amount of the Ontario Trillium Scholarships:

The Ontario Trillium Scholarship provides financial support to recipients to cover various expenses during their Ph.D. studies in Ontario. The scholarship typically includes the following benefits:

  1. Tuition: The OTS covers full tuition fees for the recipient’s Ph.D. program.
  2. Stipend: Recipients receive a generous annual stipend to support their living expenses in Ontario.

Eligibility Criteria:

The Ontario Trillium Scholarships have specific eligibility criteria that applicants must meet. The criteria include:

  1. Citizenship: Applicants must be international students, not Canadian citizens, or permanent residents.
  2. Academic Excellence: Applicants must have outstanding academic records, research achievements, and potential for research excellence.
  3. Field of Study: The scholarship is available for Ph.D. programs in various disciplines, including natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities, and health sciences.
  4. Admission to Ontario Universities: Applicants must be admitted to a Ph.D. program at one of the participating Ontario universities. Each university may have its specific admission requirements and deadlines.

Application Process and Deadlines:

The application process for the Ontario Trillium Scholarships is generally managed by the participating Ontario universities. Interested applicants should apply for admission to their desired Ph.D. program at one of the participating universities and indicate their interest in being considered for the OTS.

The universities will then assess the applicants based on academic merit, research potential, and other criteria.

The application deadlines for the Ontario Trillium Scholarships can vary depending on the university and the specific Ph.D. program. Therefore, applicants should check the websites of their chosen Ontario universities for the most up-to-date information on application deadlines.


It’s important to note that scholarship programs and their details may change over time.

As such, I recommend visiting the official websites of the participating Ontario universities or the Ontario government’s scholarship website for the most current and accurate information on the Ontario Trillium Scholarships, including eligibility criteria, application process, and deadlines.
